Bad Breeding

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Bad Breeding
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Ventrue Lords Over the Damned.jpg
Ventrue Lords Over the Damned p. 105
Preq's No Good Breeding
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Venue Vampire
Possessed By
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Bad Breeding ● to ●●●●

Your character is part of a bloodline or family line regarded as brutish, crass, pedestrian, dirty, or otherwise ignoble to Ventrue tastes (and the customs they promote throughout Kindred society). This peculiar counterpart to the Good Breeding Merit carries with it a distinct negative connotation to those Lords who concern themselves with ancestry and parentage, but that negativity is subjective – this trait is still a Merit, after all.

Mechanically, your character can get a bonus up to the number of dots in Bad Breeding to Social rolls at Storyteller's discretion. This bonus is applicable when your character might get away with unwholesome behaviour because of their blood being considered bad.

A Note on the Breeding Merits

A Note on the Breeding Merits This is important: The Good Breeding and Bad Breeding Merits do not describe any actual quality of your character’s blood. They do not represent any predisposition to a particular behavior in the way that the Inherited Resistance Merit does. They do not measure how well bred or how trashy your character is thought to be, to any degree. These Merits reflect a binary state – good or bad – but do not measure how far from center your character’s reputation is, either way. What these Merits describe is your character’s capacity for taking advantage of that good or bad reputation.

It is not somehow more scandalous for a character of Good Breeding to be caught with a hooker, for example. It may be scandalous for a character of good or bad breeding, but a character with the Good Breeding or Bad Breeding Merit knows how to spin his reputation to protect himself from scandal. With these Merits, your character is better able to escape some of the consequences of his actions by hiding behind his breeding.
Facts about Bad BreedingRDF feed
Character TypeVampire  +
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, 3  +, and 4  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentVentrue Lords Over the Damned  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceVentrue Lords Over the Damned  +
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