Area of Expertise

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Area of Expertise
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Allowed Mental
Free Council Sourcebook.jpg
Free Council Sourcebook p. 131
Preq's Resolve ●●
A Specialty in the appropriate Mental Skill
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
Venue All
Possessed By
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Your character is uncommonly focused on a particular area of expertise. By purchasing this Merit, your character essentially doubles his Specialty in a particular Mental Skill, so that he gains a +2 dice bonus from that Specialty rather than the usual +1. This Merit can only be applied to one of the character’s existing Specialties. This Merit can only be purchased once per character.


A character with this Merit cannot have any other Specialties in the same Skill as Area of Expertise. Thus, if this Merit is purchased for the Automobiles Specialty of Crafts Skill, the character can never have any other Specialties in that same Skill.
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