Identity Anchor

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Identity Anchor
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Magewarning.png"Mage" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Tome of the Watchtowers.jpg
Tome of the Watchtowers p. 153
Preq's Thyrsus
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
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This is a Mage House Rule This merit is not allowed

One of the perils of taking on another shape is the risk of becoming so lost in the new shape that the mage forgets her true identity. This Merit grants the mage an unerring knowledge of who she is that goes right down to the core of her being. The flesh may take this form and that form, but the mage always knows who she is and how to get back to her native form, whether the magic that made her assume the new shape is her own or a spell cast on her by another.
Facts about Identity AnchorRDF feed
Merit Dots2  +
Merit Typewarning.png"Mage" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentTome of the Watchtowers  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceTome of the Watchtowers  +
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