Auspice Blessing

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Auspice Blessing
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Allowed Power
The Rage Forsaken Players Guide.jpg
The Rage Forsaken Players Guide p. 103
Preq's Character Creation Only
One Auspice Affinity Skill at ●●
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue Werewolf
Possessed By
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Whenever your character can see her auspice moon — or at least where it should be in the sky — she is filled with confidence in the role that Luna has given her. Irraka slip that little bit more silently when the new moon is out, and Elodoth argue that bit more eloquently when bathed in the light of the half-moon. You gain a +1 equipment bonus to one Auspice Skill when your auspice moon is in the sky. This Skill must be rated ●● or higher.

Drawback: the character must be able to see where the moon is in the sky to take advantage of this Merit. So, clouds don't interfere but buildings do. If the moon is below horizon the place directly above it in the sky must be seen.
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