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Allowed Physical
Midnight Roads.jpg
Midnight Roads p. 59
Preq's Survival●●●
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
Venue All
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The character is a natural at making her way in the wilderness, and she has a knack for surviving situations that would prove deadly to most. She can find food and shelter where others see only the possibility of hunger and exposure to the harshness of the elements, and she knows the signs and subtle tells of the outdoors as though they were her native tongue.

Characters with this Merit may ignore up to three points of penalties from environmental sources applied to any roll involving the Survival Skill. If a Survival roll is not penalized, then the character instead receives a +1 modifier to her dice pool.
Facts about OutdoorsmanRDF feed
Character TypeAll  +
Merit Dots2  +
Merit TypePhysical  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentMidnight Roads  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PrerequisiteSurvival  +
SourceMidnight Roads  +
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