Make Do
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Make Do
Free Council Sourcebook p. 132 | |
Preq's |
Wits ●●● ● in the appropriate Skill |
Level(s) |
● (2XP) ●● (6XP) ●●● (12XP) |
Venue | |
Possessed By | |
Your character has some experience working under sub-optimal conditions. With poor tools or the wrong tools, she can change a tire, repair a roof or perform an emergency tracheotomy. When you purchase this Merit, assign it to a particular Skill (e.g., Make Do: Crafts). Reduce all penalties stemming from poor or inappropriate tools by the number of dots you have in this Merit. You still must need and have some kind of tools to attempt the action (you can’t patch a tire or perform a tracheotomy with your bare hands), but you can scrape by with poor substitutes using this Merit. Note that this Merit does not add dice to your pool; this Merit negates penalties.
This Merit can be purchased multiple times to apply to multiple Skills.
Facts about Make DoRDF feed
Merit Dots | 1 +, 2 +, and 3 + |
Merit Type | Mental + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Free Council Sourcebook + |
Source | Free Council Sourcebook + |