Age Reversal

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Age Reversal
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Banned Changelingwarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Night Horrors Grim Fears.jpg
Night Horrors Grim Fears p. 84
Preq's Wyrd ●●●●
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue Changeling
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This is a Changeling House Rule This Merit is not allowed

The changeling ages backward instead of forward: a 50-year-old man gets younger by the day — one year of life is equal to one year reversed (instead of turning 51, he turns 49 on his birthday). This has little mechanical effect, though certainly it’s possible that a player will seek to affect stats accordingly as a character grows younger — Willpower might drop, for instance, but Physical stats might increase a bit. (Why is this such a low-dot Merit? Ultimately, because in the day-to-day game, it doesn’t have a lot of effect.
Facts about Age ReversalRDF feed
Character TypeChangeling  +
Merit Dots1  +
Merit Typewarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentNight Horrors Grim Fears  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceNight Horrors Grim Fears  +
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