Predators Innocence

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Predators Innocence
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Revision as of 04:33, 3 January 2015

Magewarning.png"Mage" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Tome of the Watchtowers.jpg
Tome of the Watchtowers p. 154
Level(s) ●●● (12XP)
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This is a Mage House Rule This merit is not allowed

A wolf does not degenerate when it kills its prey; likewise, the Thyrsus mage doesn’t suffer when she makes a clean and natural killing. A character with this Merit does not need to make degeneration rolls for simple killing, especially in self-defense. If the mage shows particular malice, if she tortures the subject before killing him or if she kills for morally questionable reasons, then the Storyteller might rule that a degeneration check is necessary.

Note that just because the mage’s Wisdom doesn’t suffer doesn’t make killing right or acceptable by society’s standards, and a mage who makes a habit of killing will have other consequences to worry about.

If the Storyteller judges that the player is just using this Merit as an excuse to have his character kill wantonly, the Storyteller is free to take this Merit away.
Facts about Predators InnocenceRDF feed
Merit Dots3  +
Merit Typewarning.png"Mage" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentTome of the Watchtowers  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceTome of the Watchtowers  +
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