Wholesale Wares

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Wholesale Wares
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Changelingwarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Goblin Markets.jpg
Goblin Markets 35
Preq's Market Stall ••••
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
Venue Changeling
Possessed By
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This is a Changeling House Rule This can only be purchased In-Character. This is not available at character creation.

Owning a stall makes running a successful Goblin Market business significantly easier. The character has access to a stable supply of wares that he can sell or trade to visitors or other vendors. More importantly, the merchant knows who in the Market to go to for certain rare valuables, and how best to wrangle a deal from them. Once per chapter, the character may reduce the price of an item she purchases from another vendor by 1 for each dot she possesses in this Merit (to a minimum of 0), as long as the character intends to sell the item in her own stall. This allows her to make a higher than usual profit on the item.


Goblin merchants typically make these backroom deals to get items out of the Market and into the populace. A merchant who uses an item she obtains through this Merit herself defeats this purpose, typically appearing weak in the eyes of the other vendors. She loses access to this Merit for the remainder of the story, as the other vendors charge her full cost for wares, no matter what she intends to do with them.
Facts about Wholesale WaresRDF feed
Character TypeChangeling  +
Merit Dots1  +, and 2  +
Merit Typewarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentGoblin Markets  +
PrerequisiteMarket Stall  +
SourceGoblin Markets  +
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