Ursula Cole

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Ursula Cole
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Created By Saber Sloth


Ursula Cole
The Indoor Cat
Ashwood Abbey
Music Box
Music.jpg The Pretty Reckless Going To Hell
Music.jpg The Pretty Reckless Heaven Knows
Music.jpg The Pretty Reckless My Medicine
Music.jpg In This Moment Adrenalize
Music.jpg In This Moment Blood
Music.jpg In This Moment Sick Like Me
The Bare Bones

Name: Ursula Cole,
Age: Mid to late 20s, but she'll never tell, and everyone knows it's rude to ask a lady her age.
Education: Regrettably a failing Drama Major.
Compact: The Ashwood Abbey, of course!

A Little Bit of History

Daddy's little princess, was a spoiled rotten little brat. Sebastian Cole is the head of a major corporation and never really spent time with his second child, and only daughter, his solution was to shower her with gifts, and anything she could ask for.

Ursula grows into the picture of the shallow vapid little rich girl. Never hearing the word 'no' nothing was too wild or taboo in her eyes. She'd hear somewhere 'try anything once' when she was young and never looked back.

Her father, Sebastian Cole didn't see anything wrong with her behaviour, he'd already planned for his daughter to take up the family legacy. Not the company, his son; Eric had that well in hand. No, he meant what really mattered. The Ashwood Abbey. He'd had had his fun, but the Family must maintain it's presence.

Ursula didn't really care about any of that, she just found the most funest thing ever.


The first Halloween she can remember her wore a candy-floss pink wig, and ever since then she refused to keep her natural dull blond locks. So the figure Ursula cuts, is that of a willowy women with a random assortment, of rainbow inspired hair colors. A different tone, shade or color almost every time she's seen.



Facts about Ursula ColeRDF feed
Avatarwarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
Barfly1  +
Character NameUrsula Cole  +
Character StatusInactive  +
Character TypeHunter  +
CompactAshwood Abbey  +
Compact Status0  +
ConspiracyNone  +
Forumid0  +
Has MeritStriking Looks  +, Spirit Ear  +, Barfly  +, Quick Draw  +, Resources  +, and Status  +
Influential Inwarning.png"" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.
Last PostLast Post  +
Lived InSacramento  +
OneaccountNo  +
PC or NPCPC  +
PlayerSaber Sloth  +
PlayerID2656  +
Posted22 December 2024  +
Presence3  +
Quick Draw1  +
Resources3  +
Sacramento End22 December 2024  +
Sacramento Start2 December 2015  +
Secondary Picturewarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
Spirit Ear2  +
Status1  +, and 2  +
Striking Looks2  +
Tenure9.1  +
Threadid36655  +
VenueHunter  +
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