To the Society of Sacramento:
Eternal Elysia XXI
The halls of the Avalon Elysia were much quieter on this particular night. Many were in attendance and ready to take up new conversation and discussions. Several of the newly acknowledge residents made their way through the halls to meet other new to the Domain as well as our current Society. Yet, there was one exception to this peaceful evening.
Conner Greyson requested Herald Martha Villiers, Seneschal Ariana Donovan and Sidor Grigoriev to the Reeve’s office. The Reeve had just been informed that visiting members, Thomas O'Connor and Sarah LaFleur were found tragically departed from our world. Currently there is little knowledge of who may have done such an act. Deputy Grigoriev would lead the team to investigate the situation accompanied by Dr. Josephine Powell, Max Heinz and Dr. Robert Swift to the scene.
Around the Requiem
A couple individuals found their way to a shooting range in Sacramento. Neil Kingsley and Alice Brown decided to test their skills with their firearms of choice. After several shots were fired and check for accuracy as well as drawing speed, it seems that Neil was the victor in this friendly competition. Meanwhile, Allison Black was out for a stroll in an area within the Communal Hunting Grounds. Not long after she began, she met up with Martha Villiers and Dillon Connery
Aid of the Domain
Dîner Italien
What began as a call for help in the Avalon quickly moved to the restaurant owned by Anthony Marroletti. Those who joined the call were Ricardo Rodriguez, Nathaniel de l’Aubespine, Daniella Sage, Bobby Lime, Catherine Keyes and shortly accompanied later by Zachary Griffiths. Mr. Marroletti had previously been attacked at the restaurant which also served as the Haven of the Daeva. This violated one of the Laws of the Domain. He was rumored to be dressed in black with a mask carrying a blade. It seems that Mr. Marroletti thinks he is in capable and ready hands with all those present in his restaurant, which is why he opted to go to his office for a while.
Comic Shop Drop and Roll
After Jose Matias took a blind leap of faith, it leads him to his torpor. Dr. Robert Swift, Dillon Connery, James Calloway, Adam York, Charles Black and Emma French continue down the ladder where then run into Arnold Culler. Lord Culler immediately asked why they were there to which James responded they were investigating the disappearance of Regent Roxie Hart’s herd. Sunshine also made an appearance and kept one individual that evening. The culprit of these events was taken to Regent Hart by a few on the original crew.
Bobby’s Shadow
Bobby Lau was brought in for questioning by Deputy Dillon Connery to the Regents of Florin. Deputy Connery briefly explained the situation of the poacher to the two Regents. Then the Mekhet in question explained his actions to Ariana Donovan and Conner Greyson. He was indeed cooperative and wanted whatever his punishment would be out of honor. The Seneschal and Reeve further questioned the man until a particular piece of information arose. The new fact of another who was squatting raised more questions for the two Regents.
Ring a Ding Ding
Michael Redfill and Drake Drummond continue their quest for answers with Dr. Valdemar and the woman. The Doctor questions what the two gentlemen may know about the ring, however, the woman insists that the Doctor knows something about it. David slipped closer to them to be prepared. Michael tried to handle the situation diplomatically with Valdemar and the armed women who are insistent upon obtaining it for vengeance against one woman’s husband. Michael and David continue with their story about being reporters hoping to obtain more information about the ring and its whereabouts.
Dark Deeds
Good leads are explored by the intrepid investigating team led by Deputy Tracy Burns. Chemicals are analyzed...CCTV footage examined. Dr Josephine Powell is asked to advise on technical matters and fresh information surely must reward their efforts! Three bodies...all drained of blood! Surely this must spell some worry for the Kindred community. Then again, the killer may also be stalking blond women too.
Clan and Covenant Meetings
The Ordo Meeting
The meeting was called by Grand Wyrm Max Heinz held at the Dracul Chapter House. Those in attendance were Michael Redfill, Drake Drummond, Chase Ankers, Jonathan Mclean, Martha Villiers and Tracy Burns. Warnings are raised about the need to continue to behave in an orderly manner and avoid bringing the Ordo into disrepute. Matters of new and exciting studies are raised for the edification of the scholars and there is now the matter of digitizing a library. Much of this was due to an incident from a new arrival who has since departed.
Guild Meeting
A few Invictus members were invited to a meeting of the Guild of Combat Arts. Meister Conner Greyson, Reeve of Sacramento was the host of this event held at the Ballo Della Notte. Those in attendance were; His Grace Alder Asa Clarke, Duke of Sacramento, Prince of the Domain of Sacramento; Madam Speaker Ariana Donovan, Seneschal of the Domain of Sacramento; Madam Libertiste Alice Brown, Invictus Interpreter, Harpy of the Domain of Sacramento and Soldier Ricardo Rodriguez, Deputy Reeve of the Domain of Sacramento. This was the first meeting that had been arranged the agenda included tenants and members with the question of possible future members and apprentices.
Sincerely, Madam Seneschal Ariana Donovan