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The noble orders are a fundamental part of Changeling society. These orders are referred to as "Entitlements," and those who have gained a title are known as "entitled."

An Entitlement may be given to changelings, being a member of an organization. Each has their own history and Entitlements. There is usually a cost associated with becoming a member, either "in game" or a mechanical cost of Glamour and Wyrd.


Upon swearing an oath, and therefore joining that order, the changeling gains the benefits of that order. The changeling also gains some changes to their Mien, although its only minor.


When making dealings with the true fae, a changeling with a title will most probably be noticed before one without. This makes it difficult to avoid the fae.

The Entitlements

Adjudicators of the Wheel

The Adjudicators of the Wheel are firm believers in the principles of fairness and justice. They look at the inequalities in the world and are filled with the need to balance the scales. However, the Judges do not believe in spreading wide-scale social change, at least not by themselves. Instead, they function on a much more personal level. Adjudicators are silent observers and meddlers, a cabal that bears witness to actions and metes out punishments or rewards as they see fit, and takes care that neither their beneficiaries nor their victims can trace their sudden shift in fortunes to anything but simple chance.

Ancient And Accepted Order Of Bridgemasons

Expert creators, these Master Builders can construct houses, statues, and castles without the need of tools or workers.

Barony Of The Lesser Ones

Defenders and negotiatiors, these Barons and Baronesses deal with the hobgoblins and hedge beasts, peacefully if possible, violently if necessary.

Bishopric Of Blackbirds

The Bishopric of Blackbirds believe themselves the salvation of the freehold, positioning members to be there when others need them. That is their first stated goal: to assist those poor Lost (which, to most Bishops, constitutes all of them) when necessary.

Bodhisattvas Of The Broken Cage

The Bodhisattvas of the Broken Cage are dedicated to encouraging individuals (both human and Lost) to break out of the rut of habit, conformity and social acceptability.

Bronze Beylik

These select and groom the rulers of the Court.

Charmed Circle

“There are kings, and then there are kings.” That, in the briefest of terms, is what the Charmed Circle is all about.

And that is what they seek: true leaders. Those rulers who are exceptional in some aspect are what draw the attention of this eldritch order. It’s true that a word like “exceptional” is just an adjective and thus, subjective. The Circle argues, however, that it’s no such thing. That one’s excellence is measurable and more importantly, demonstrable, and in doing so merits a monarch to wear the golden torc that rests upon the neck of the Gilded King or Queen.

College Of Worms

Students of fate, these Diviners seek out the threads of destiny to form a picture of the future.

Court Of The Solstice

Embracing the in-between, these Courtiers embody and protect the transitions between the seasons.

Duchy Of The Icebound Heart

Potent manipulators, these Dukes and Duchesses refuse to let love and grief rule their life, choosing to control others' emotions instead.

Duchy Of Truth And Loss

Fetch hunters, these Dukes and Duchesses seek out and destroy the fae-created imposters.

Eternal Echoes

Living memories, these Lords and Ladies work to ensure that the Lords of Summer are never forgotten.

Family of Silent Nights

Dreams are overlooked by many, and mortals fail to even recognize a threat from the mind, but if you can’t trust even your dreams, all that remains is madness. The Family claims to recognize this threat, and to move forever to fight it. They are an ancient order, known throughout history by a hundred names. Everywhere they travel, they are known in legends as guardians against nightmares and protectors of sleep, but this is only part of the story. The Family holds the terrifying power to trap dreams, only to release them later against their enemies.

Guild Of Goldspinners

Offerers of opportunity, these Rumpelstiltzkins can provide wealth, for a price.

Guild Of The Sacred Journey

Messengers and couriers, these Sacred Couriers will ensure that any accepted delivery arrives at its destination.

Hedge Wardens

The Hedge Wardens believe there is promise in the Thorns. At the same time, this promise is overshadowed by the vast danger that faces most of those who choose to dare the pathways of the Hedge. Their mission is a simple one, but one that seems insane to many: to tame the local Hedge around the freehold in which they find themselves, to root out and destroy the most dangerous of the region’s Hedge-Beasts, and to keep the trods open so that changelings can escape from Arcadia.

Hound Tribunal

Meters of justice, these Hounds serve justice against those who have wronged the Summer Court.

Knighthood Of The Dragonslayer

Interrogators and spies, these Cavaleiros defend the greater good, by exposing the wiskedness within.

Knighthood Of Utmost Silence

Experts at subterfuge, these Silent Knights help changelings to disappear without a trace, into a new life.

Knights Of The Knowledge Of The Tongue

Exotic gourmands, these Knights de Cuisine wage battle in the kitchen, striving for victory of the palate.

Knights Of The Widow’s Walk

The Knights of the Widow’s Walk are much like men lost at sea, gone for so long and so consumed by their mission that they might drown and never be seen again. They are spies, driven into deep, deep cover, who leave their freehold and go to another. There, they assume a whole new identity, a persona suited to the social sphere they seek to penetrate. New name. New face. New role. Some risk Glamour addiction. Some find their Clarity shuddering as they are submerged beneath the waters of the new identity. Some get caught, and get dead.

Legacy Of The Black Apple

Part-beggar and part-diplomat, they interface with the most frightening of enemies, the Gentry, and they negotiate terms. The True Fae can be bound by contracts and pledges just like the Lost. If a Legate can get a Keeper to agree to terms (which are unlikely pleasant but may be more favorable than what was originally “on the table”), then the job is done and the deal is sealed.

Legion Of The Iron Wall

The Legion of the Iron Wall monitors the status of freeholds across the world, keeping an ear to the ground to find those that have become complacent and those that are in danger of being overrun by the threats that surround them. They pay special attention to rumors of gatherings in the Hedge, newly forming trods, and other warning signs of potential Gentry attacks. And when they find evidence that a freehold is in danger from a threat external or internal, they ride into town to try and sort things out.

Lord Sages Of The Unknown Reaches

Scholars and spies, these Lords and Ladies seek to discover the truths of the other supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness.

Lost Pantheon

Self-proclaimed modern gods, these Ancients embody both the gods of old as well as more modern concepts.

Magi Of The Gilded Thorn

Explorers of the Hedge, these Magi seek to discover its secrets and take its power as their own.

Magistrates Of The Wax Mask

Supposed servants, these Magistrates ensure the festivals and events of a freehold are properly enacted.

Margravate Of The Brim

Defenders of the border barches, these Margraves and Margravines protect the freehold while detesting the Courts that rule it.

Office Of Vizieral Counsel

The members of this order all act as sorcerer-advisors to the kings and queens of the freehold. It is their sole purpose. While not all of them are addled madmen capable of leveling an entire town with some long-forgotten clause of some heretical Contract, many are, and joining this order helps keep their lunacies at bay.

Order Of The Hallowed Garden

The mission of the Hallowed Garden is to reform and change populated areas, making new “gardens” in which certain ideas can grow and flourish, and preventing dangerous ideas from taking root. They are architects of urban renewal and change, careful guardians of whatever ideals they believe in. There are those who mistake the Gardeners for simple philosophers, but this order was formed in violence and death, and the keepers of the Hallowed Garden know that action is required to make their desires a reality.

Order Of The Oneirophysics

Miraculous physcians, these Dreamhealers can heal even fatal injuries through the art of dream-wielding.

Parliament Of Victors

Every freehold has one: the hero. Not a reluctant hero, this hero knows what he is. The best of the best, a platinum band amongst a handful of dirty silver ingots. And it’s not just about having a success here and there. Everybody knows the Champion. They know of his exploits because he tells them of his exploits. It’s not about getting into the legends and earning some kind of twisted immortality the long way. It’s about the hero getting what he deserves now. Not later. He succeeds because he wants. What he wants — wine, women, song, whatever— are earned because he succeeds.

Phantom Tong

Underworld criminals, these Dai Lo foster confusion and chaos to keep the Courtly rulers honest.

Pilgrims Of The Endless Road

To the Pilgrims of the Endless Road, the journey of self-improvement is the most important journey that a person can take. Changing politics, changing the world, none of these things matter if you do not first master yourself, because the weak can only create further weakness, and the world is full of weak people. As far as the Pilgrims are concerned, very few people have the raw strength of will to understand the need for constant growth, to never become complacent or content with what you have made of yourself. For those few, however, the Pilgrims wait with open arms.

Sacred Band Of The Golden Standard

Warrior poets and glory-hounds, these Gilded Aspirants valiantly protect the freehold, to achieve fame and praise.

Satrapy Of Pearls

Pursuers of happiness, these Satraps embrace the arts of buying bartering and selling to possess or offer whatever they desire.

Scarecrow Ministry

Wielders of fear, these Ministers teach that there are reasons to be afraid by becoming the monsters and urban legends that others fear.

Squires Of The Broken Bough

The Squires spread into freeholds that are facing major threats, or those plagued by corruption and pain. They recruit from those who have lost everything that they cared about — usually to the Others but sometimes due to other causes — and who have no reason left to live, and they give them something worth dying for. Their purpose is simple and straightforward: they will fight so that others can rest, and die so that others will live. Their lives have no other purpose, and every drop of blood shed will be accompanied by rivers of blood from their enemies.

Tolltaker Knighthood

Justified mercenaries, these Knights will accept a bounty provided the cause is just.

Twilight Gleaners

Although most changelings have great power at their disposal, they are still human at heart, and in times of danger or uncertainty they are just as likely to turn to whatever sources of certainty they can find. To these souls seeking guidance, the Twilight Gleaners often seem to be a blessing from the Wyrd. They bring with them assurance that the choices their clients make are guaranteed to success, and such confidence carries many changelings forward on their path.

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