Gangrel are consummate survivors. Though stereotyped as primitive and uncultured, they are the Kindred Clan best adapted to the rigors of existing outside the comforts of a city, outside "The Gilded Cage." Nicknamed Savages, the Gangrel are far more honorable than such a cognomen would imply. Self-reliant and courageous, their shape-changing Discipline of Protean is a prime example of their ability to adapt to survive. Their weakness is reflected in a primal, bestial instinct that clouds their minds.
As befits their sobriquet, the Gangrel are more closely tied to their Beasts than are other Kindred. The more they feel the call of the Beast, the more bestial they become, and the more their minds become those of less principled animals. With regard to dice pools based on Intelligence and Wits Attributes, the 10-again rule does not apply. Additionally, any 1’s that come up on a roll subtract from successes. (The latter part of the weakness does not affect dramatic-failure rules.) This weakness does not apply to dice pools involving perception or reaction to surprise, or to the Resolve Attribute