Tally Benoit

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Tally Benoit
A hidden nation driven far outside the fire - The Wolf Inside
Freehold Beast Courtless


Full name is Talia Bianca Benoit, more commonly called Tally.

Tally's Keeper found her late afternoon as she looked for a book her younger brother had lost during a play session out in the forested park across the street of her parents' house. Spring of 1928 saw Tally being spirited away on the back of a some kind of hoofed animal, leaving behind a Fetch made of stick figure with a clay face.

Her Keeper, Lord of the Herd, soon left Tally to fend for herself. In time, the teen began to run with a pack of canine Changelings. The pack ran wild in the forests and meadow lands of Lord of the Herd's lands, not that they were the only ones either as some of those abducted choice to go at it alone and took the appearance of solitary hunters. The prized prey of everyone hunter was the hoofed animals that made up the Lord of Herd's flock and the Keeper himself.

Her pack broke into a bunch of pairs, leaving Tally to go at it alone for a time before a rush of fresh blood caused another pack to form. And so it was for hundreds of years, packs would come and go but there's always the hunt to look forward to. She might have remained in the domain if it weren't for the dreams of another hunt, this hunt seemed to be for something not moving or good to eat. As such, Tally and majority of the other hunters of the domain had little to do with their Keeper beyond trying to pick off members of the Herd; although those unfortunate few who ended up falling into the Broadback or Runnerswift Kiths ruled the day they ever picked fruit and veggies instead of meat.

And thus, Tally became obsessed with finding what was so important about such a thing. It was from one of the new bloods that caused her to remember the name of the item, a book. The very name reminded her of something she used to enjoy very much, reading novels and poetry which brought memories of the afternoon which she was taken.

With memories and a desire for something new to do, Tally purged into the Hedge while focused on the forested park near the town Weaverville. As Tally breaks through into the human world, she found herself moving about on only two legs and rather disgusted at various scents in the air.

Finding the world very much changed, Tally did learn that at least the library remained in the same location, once Tally had some cloths, she would spend most of her time reading various subjects and would soon learn how to make use of a computer. She had a huge boost in her learning curve as she sports an eidetic memory.

During this time, Tally resorted to stealing what she needed to survive. By a stroke of fortune, one of the items she stole was a lotto ticket, cashing it, she finally had money to spend. With money, she bought a bunch of forged papers, with a new identity, which she had to change the name on the ID papers to her own name. It wouldn't take long before Tally would make use of her memory to forge signatures of those around her. In the end, though, Tally fled Weaverville due to this particular skill.

And so, Tally boards a bus that takes her from her home town and for a city, that she hopes, is sporting a Freehold.

Tally celebrates her first year at the Freehold this May 2012. It comes as a slight shock to her and she wonders where the time went.

Then came the day when a TF in the form of a Fire Dragon destroyed the Four Seasons Hotel that had become Tally's home and had been the center of the Freehold. Hobs of all types flooding out of various Hedge Gates. The remainder of 2013 would prove to be eventful.

She was in the park with some others when the TF came and went. They confronted by a group of hobs working for a TF in search of a page and a Goyle. They managed to drive them off, saving not just the two objectives of the Hobs but those that had been snatched up by them as well.

In time, the Freehold regrouped and the Freehold made efforts to recover from their collective lost. For Tally, it meant finding a new place to live and finding employment with Mr Tickle.



Tally sports light brunet hair that seems to stop short of where her neck meets shoulders. Her eyes are hazel green. She stands little over average height and is neither too fat or thin. Mostly plain in appearance. Appears to be in her early twenties.


Tally sports a very light fur coat that covers her body, she also has a mane of light brown fur that seems to be what inspired her Mask's hair style. One either side of her head, she has ears that are fuzzy and pointed. The nails on her hands and feet are black in color and seem rather blunt. Her two set of canine teeth seem unusually pronounced, they're clearly pointed too. Her eyes seem to be more amber green then hazel green.

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