Oath of Blood Knives +,
Oath of Blood Service +
Higher Calling +
Abyssal Perception +,
Abyssal Resonance +,
Adverse Weather +,
Animal Degradation +,
Annihilate Matter +,
Armor Piercing +,
Armor of the Soul +,
Astral Interdiction +,
Astral Invitation +,
Augment Other Minds +,
Augment the Mind +,
Auspex +,
Azothic Object +,
Bad Penny +,
Ban +,
Battle Gifts +,
Beasts Hackles +,
Berserker +,
Bestow Spatial Awareness +,
Bestow Unseen Shield +,
Anonymity +,
Area of Expertise +,
Berserker +,
Combatant +,
Crucible Ritual +,
Difficult to Ride +,
Duchy of Truth and Loss +,
Emotional Detachment +,
High Performance Driving +,
Higher Calling +,
Iron Stamina +,
Lucid Dreaming +,
Medium +,
Pilgrims of the Endless Road +,
Prophets Voice +,
Rational Explanation +,
Sniping +,
Squires of the Broken Bough +,
Tolerance for Biology +,
Vision +
Control Waking +,
Dread +,
Inspire +,
Memory Oath +,
Monstrous Countenance +,
Perfect Mask +,
Shatter the Mind +,
Spirits Touch +
Resistance Pool