Kevlar Vest

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Kevlar Vest (Redirected from Bulletproof Vest)
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The average bulletproof vest is black and made of Kevlar. The vest stops bullets, edged weapons and blunt attacks with some efficiency. Like all true bulletproof armor, a bulletproof vest downgrades damage done from Firearms from lethal to bashing.

Worn on the upper torso, the majority of bulletproof vests only cover the chest. The wearer’s back is not protected with the average Kevlar vest. In fact, a number of places remain unprotected, and targeted attacks will ignore any defense the vest offers.

A vest covers only the chest. A number of places on the body are still wholly vulnerable to all manner of damage. Characters can separately purchase individual “pieces” of bulletproof armor for varying body parts, such as groin shields, neck/throat protectors, arm or leg armor, back armor or even helmets. None of these accessories offers precisely the same level of protection that the vest does, but each piece offers its Rating against attacks targeted specifically against the region the piece protects. Assume that each section must be bought separately.

Kevlar Vest (Bulletproof Vest)

Kevlar Vest (thin)

Bulletproof Vest Accessories

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