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A Scene is typically defined as one hour of game time. In a play by post setting, this is reflected by a single thread. These are the specific rules for how we handle Scenes and keep continuity from getting snarled.



Regular / Standard

This is a public or private Scene which is not a Sticky thread.

Sticky / Event

This is a Scene which is typically mandatory attendance (Court, etc.), an event/party that people might want to attend, or a thread/plot that will take longer than normal (combat involved, etc).


These are Scenes done in real-time in the Chat rooms.

Private Message

These Scenes are typically between two characters with positions and in-character responsibilities, allowing for character development and so that other characters don't get 'stuck' waiting.


These threads are typically phone calls, text messages, emails, or letters.

Social Groups

These are private forums which contain Scenes visible only to the member of the group.


The total concurrent Scene counts a character can be in are limited. This helps with pacing as the limitation will enforce a sense of urgency, as well as being a more realistic representation of what a character can accomplish. Yes, decisions will have to be made. Availability will have to be managed. Do you really need to attend that Covenant meeting? Scene limit totals includes venue and faction meetings.

Expenditure Tracking

Scene information is tracked by noting expenditures in individual posts and then displaying a summary in the last Minisheet.

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