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With all of the Social Threads being made in the Social Sub-Forums your Edge of Darkness Staff have decided to take things one step further. We're opening up the City Shards Sub-Forum to allow Open Social Scenes for characters of all the main venues. So if you want your Werewolf to meet my Mage, that can now happen!

But before you Supernatural Avenger Team Up fans get too excited, we're going to have some main rules.

Rules for City Shards

  • The only exception to this is Mask of Tranquility

The purpose of this change is to allow for a greater sense of sandbox game-play and for a wider variety of interaction between characters. The scenes within this forum will not be Storyteller driven but they will be Moderated. If any rules are broken penalties will be levied. So please, keep things on the level and on the stuff that should be on the down low, down low. There's very good reasons why each Splat has rules protecting their secrets.

Scene Rules

Right now, with this being a new idea, we do have a few other rules.

If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of the Edge of Darkness Staff.

And please: be awesome to each other!

Character Owned Businesses

Doing a scene or using a Site owned by another PC is fine, welcome, and encouraged. But please get that player's permission if you wish to do anything more than a normal patron.

So if you want to go to Gypsy's or the Avalon and be a patron or meet up with some friends please do so. But if your going to do anything beyond being a normal patron please check with the owner of the site, either IC or OOC. So if you want to go to Ballo Della Notte and see a show, by all means, but if you want to put on a show there or something of that effect, you need to check with Myah Torsione,Twist IC or deltadream OOC.

These rules were created by Steven

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