Mind Cheat Sheet
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Mind • (Initiate)
- Compelling
- Perform two separate non-physical Extended action knowledge tasks at the same time.
- Knowing
- Sense the presence of consciousness around the caster.
- Unveiling
- Mage Sight Third Eye. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
- Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of Mind.
- Read living auras, and discern the emotional states of those whose auras are read.
- Detect the presence of mental projections in Twilight.
- Sense when others nearby are using, or under the infl uence of, extraordinary abilities such as telepathy, mind control, psychometry or ESP.
- Read, identify and analyse Resonances.
Mind •• (Apprentice)
- Ruling
- Manipulate a simple mind (base life form up to the level of reptiles, insects, or fish).
- Project emotions subliminally into others’ minds.
- First Impressions: Boost the first Social Attribute roll made at an encounter.
- Limited telepathic projection (a few words).
- Veiling
- Alter one’s own aura, making it harder to read, or sometimes even to identify.
- Become a forgettable non-entity, unobtrusive, forgotten and quickly dismissed.
- Hide away a personal memory from scrutiny (“Th ere is a hole in your mind”).
- Shielding
- Protect one’s mind from being sensed, read, probed, assaulted or controlled by psychic forces.
- Protect one’s body with a combination of misconceptions, minor hallucinations and psychic projections.
- Unveiling
- Grants Mind • Mage Sight upon others.
Mind ••• (Disciple)
- Weaving
- Telepathy: mental communication; thoughts, emotions, images (transitory Duration).
- Read a subject’s conscious mind (thoughts).
- Cloud people’s minds, making them see(, hear, smell, feel) you as someone else.
- Perform three separate non-physical Extended action knowledge tasks at the same time.
- Regulate one’s sleep cycle (how long or how little one sleeps) and control one’s dreams.
- Understand, translate and communicate in any language. Extremely useful.
- Fraying
- Crude psychic assault that inflicts bashing psychosomatic damage. Even harms vampires.
- Perfecting
- Raise a single Mental or Social Attribute. Self only.
- Veiling
- Alter another’s aura as you can alter your own.
- Ruling
- Manipulate a more complex mind (non-primate mammals, birds, large fi sh, but not primates, cetaceans or cephalopods, squid, cuttlefish or octopi).
- Shielding
- Bestow Shielding •• protections upon others.
Mind •••• (Adept)
- Patterning
- Control other’s memory. Add to, modify or delete memories.
- Enter the dreams of a sleeping individual. (Use other Mind spells to alter that dream).
- Create false sensory input - a sensory hallucination.
- Read a subject’s unconscious mind (hidden motivations, memories). Prolonged Duration vs Sleepers; Transitory Duration vs mages and other supernaturals.
- Psychic projection into Twilight.
- Exert telepathic control over humans and just about any mundane creature.
- Unravelling
- Lower a single Mental or Social Attribute of another.
- Powerful psychic assault (lethal damage).
- Weaving
- Telepathy (prolonged Duration).
- Perfecting
- Raise one’s own Mental or Social Attributes in any combination.
- Raise a single Mental or Social Attribute of another.
- Patterning
- Read a subject’s unconscious mind. Prolonged Duration vs mages and other supernaturals.
Mind ••••• (Master)
- Making
- Establish a telepathic communication network
- Possess another’s body;
- Dominate the mind of a human being (including issuing suicidal commands).
- Completely reprogram a person’s mind from the memories up. Prolonged Duration against mages and supernaturals: Lasting (though dispellable) vs Sleepers.
- Create a consciousness from nothing (Prolonged Duration).
- Psychically project past Twilight into the Shadow.
- Sculpt a Twilight sanctuary in which a psychic consciousness is safe.
- Unmaking
- Nothing listed in book
- Weaving
- Telepathy (advanced prolonged Duration factors).
- Unravelling
- Lower two Mental or Social Attributes of another. Touch range.
- Lower one Mental or Social Attribute of another. Sensory range.
- Powerful psychic assault (aggravated damage - requires 1 Mana). “Such a neuron-frying assault exceeds any known threshold of headache pain.” So yes, that’s gotta hurt.
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