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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 9 June 2016 14:34:50  +
Parent Arcana +, Mastigos +, Space +
Categories Glossary, Mage: The Awakening, RAW
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Corn +, Eulogy +, Kaze +, Langdon +, Phoenyx +, Shrike +, Varyx + Apprentice
Abyssal Perception +, Aim for the Dead +, Astral Beacon +, Autonomous Servant +, Bind the Wayward Body +, Breach Point +, Circuit Television +, Dialing the Lucky Number +, Disinhibiting Sympathy +, Divining Spirit +, Eagle-Eye View +, Eyes of the Master +, Fold Object +, Gift of Fortune +, Infectious Curse +, Kinesthesia +, Memory Oath +, Price of Hubris +, Reassembly +, Sharpshooters Eye +, Conjunctional
Salem + Disciple
Aurora +, Chambers +, Eidolon +, Witch + Initiate
Avis + Master
Space +, Space Cheat Sheet + Parent
Angle Vision +, Apportation +, Arcade +, Avoidance Tactics +, Ban +, Bestow Spatial Awareness +, Co-Location +, Conceal Sympathy +, Correspondence +, Destroy the Threads +, Dialing the Lucky Number +, Dimensional Axis +, Double Shape +, Duplicate Sympathy +, Eleventh Question +, Errata: Mage +, Expanded Volume +, Eyes of the Building +, Find the Cornerstone +, Finder +, Pool
Sympathetic Spells + Prerequisite
Mastigos +, Reality Stalker +, Secret Order of the Gate +, Tamers of Stone +, Tellurians +, Threnodist +, Walkers In Mists + Ruling
Angle Vision +, Apportation +, Arcade +, Avoidance Tactics +, Ban +, Bestow Spatial Awareness +, Co-Location +, Conceal Sympathy +, Correspondence +, Counterspell +, Destroy the Threads +, Dimensional Axis +, Double Shape +, Duplicate Sympathy +, Expanded Volume +, Eyes of the Building +, Find the Cornerstone +, Finder +, Follow Through +, Hide Space +, Spell Arcana
Truce + Unenlightened


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