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Allies 1  +
Allies In Academia +, City Hall +
Allies in Academia 1  +
Allies in City Hall 1  +
Apprentice Death +
Arcana Mastery Apprentice of Death  +, Initiate of Forces  +, Initiate of Life  +, Disciple of Matter  +, Initiate of Prime  +, Initiate of Space  +
Character Name Witch +
Character Status Active +
Character Type Mage  +
Consilium Status 1  +
Death Arcana Apprentice  +
Disciple Matter +
Forces Arcana Initiate  +
Forumid 334216  +
Hallow 2 +
Has Merit Sanctum +, Hallow +, Allies +, New Identity +, Resources +, High Speech +, Tolerance for Biology +
Has Rote Entropic Guard +, Unseen Aegis +, Dispel Magic +, Supernal Vision +
Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. Avatar  +, Secondary Picture  +
High Speech 1  +
Influential In Academia +, City Hall +
Initiate Forces +, Life +, Prime +, Space +
Last Post [ Last Post]  +
Life Arcana Initiate  +
Lived In Sacramento +
Matter Arcana Disciple  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 25 November 2024 16:49:43  +
New Identity 1  +
Oneaccount No  +
Order Guardians of the Veil +
Order Status 0  +
PC or NPC PC  +
Path Moros +
Path Status 0  +
Player Deltadream +
PlayerID 35  +
Position Provost +
Posted 23 November 2024  +
Presence 2  +
Prime Arcana Initiate  +
Resources 2  +
Sacramento End 23 November 2024  +
Sacramento Start 28 July 2022  +
Sanctum 4 +
Space Arcana Initiate  +
Tenure 2.3  +
Threadid 45436  +
Tolerance for Biology 1 +
Venue Mage +
Categories Noteworthy, Mage: The Awakening, Characters, Mage
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Witch + Character Name


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