Entropic Guard

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MageSpells ● Entropic Guard
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Death ●●
Instant Mana
Covert Shielding
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.136
Arrow : Shield of Bones
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This is a Mage House Rule Entropic Guard has been updated to 2E. Please refer to Mage Armor for details.

By stealing vigor from incoming attacks, a mage guards himself against harm. Effectively, the mage’s shield attacks the vitality of an incoming assault, eroding its forcefulness with a primal decay.

The mage gains one point of armor per dot he possesses in the Death Arcanum. By spending one Mana, the Duration can be made one day. Most mages cast such a shielding spell at the beginning of the day, as part of their morning rituals. Successes are used to combat attempts to dispel the ward. Note that this magical armor does not apply against an opponent’s attempts to achieve a grappling hold on the mage (Fate, Mind, Space and Time Arcana provide shielding spells to accomplish that). This spell will, however, work to steal vigor from a grappler’s Strength + Brawl rolls to overpower the mage.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Shield of Bones

While some of the rewards yielded up by a long familiarity with Death are dubious at best, no Arrow mage argues with the benefits of this rote.

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