Since the first human climbed a tree to get a better view of a fight, warriors have known that the best
place to observe a battle is from above. Mortals must rely on helicopters, spy satellites and drones for this
kind of intelligence. Knowledge gained from these sources is valuable, but that value is decreased by
the time lapse between when a scouting unit reports the situation and when that information is relayed
to combatants on the ground. Mages are not bound by such conventions. This spell allows the caster to
gain an overhead perspective of a fight, granting her valuable tactical information she can process in realtime
as the battle unfolds.
For each success accumulated on the casting roll, the mage gains a +1 to his Initiative.
| This bonus cannot exceed the lower of the caster's dots in Mind or Space.
Adamantine Arrow Rote: Battlefield Tactician
The version of this rote developed by the Adamantine Arrow varies slightly in its approach. Rather than seeking an overhead view of the combat, the mage fixes and tracks the position of combatants in his mind. The Arrows prefer this approach in small battles where an overhead view may not be as useful as knowing where each target is, where they were and what they’ve done.