From Edge of Darkness Wiki
In-Character Titles
Striking Looks ●●●● (Graceful, Alluring) |
Ishani's Sire sent her to America, to represent him in the Sacramento city controlled by a very good friend of his, Prince Straiphen. It was then that Ishani got caught in the political struggles of Sacramento and began working for Prince Freddrick. She became the head of his intelligence corps, and when he overthrew Straiphen, his Sheriff.
Ishani served as Sheriff for three decades, and although being secretly admired by Brandon Davis and Jayant Nagaraj, remained alone until her long-time friend Asa Clarke returned to the city. She Deputized him and they eventually became lovers. Later, she became his Hound and Herald when he was acclaimed Prince after Eric The Ancient killed most of the city Elders. She would join the Invictus, but later leave to study with the Ordo Dracul. Ishani Naetesh is also a Successor to the Cyclical Dynasty House Millarr, inducted by Asa Clarke and also assisting in choosing Twist to join them.
Although few in the city currently remember her days as Sheriff, she is still rumored to be one of the deadliest Kindred in the city, and is was known for having a temper.
Avatar | Kate Beckinsale + |
Blood Potency | Obfuscated + |
Character Name | Ishani + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Vampire + |
Clan | Mekhet + |
Clan Status | 0 + |
Coterie | House Millarr + |
Covenant | Invictus + |
Covenant Status | 0 + |
Domain Status | 1 + |
Former Position | Hound +, Herald +, and Sheriff + |
Forumid | 1736 + |
Friend To | Asa Clarke +, and Twist + |
Has Merit | Striking Looks + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Parent | House Millarr + |
Player | Frost + |
PlayerID | 15 + |
Posted | 24 February 2017 + |
Presence | 3 + |
Sacramento End | 24 February 2017 + |
Sacramento Start | 13 September 2008 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Striking Looks | 4 + |
Tenure | 8.4 + |
Threadid | 36802 + |
Venue | Vampire + |