Turn Projectile

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MageSpells ● Turn Projectile
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Forces ●●●
Instant None
Vulgar Weaving
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.171
Arrow : Arrow Storm
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The mage can direct the course of a fast projectile.

Although the casting is an instant action, the mage can cast this spell at any point in the Initiative roster, even before he could normally act, although that is his action for the turn. The mage can turn the projectile up, down, right, left, or even back the way it came. The degree to which the projectile’s course is altered depends on the number of successes rolled:

Successes Course of Alteration
1 success Turn in one direction by up to 45 degrees
2 successes Turn in one direction by up to 60 degrees
3 successes Turn in one direction by up to 90 degrees
4 successes Turn in one direction by up to 120 degrees
5 successes Turn in one direction by up to 180 degrees

Mages can mix and match successes to direct a projectile’s course in multiple directions. For example, with two successes, a mage can turn an arrow 45 degrees to its left and then make it go down 45 degrees from its new course. The effect is lasting; once the projectile’s course is altered, it remains traveling along its new course until something else causes it to change vectors or it smashes into something. With a successful reflexive Dexterity + Firearms roll, the mage can aim the projectile at a target along its new trajectory.

The mage can affect multiple projectiles by adding extra Target factors[1]. When turning autofire from the same gun, use the following special Target factors chart:

Autofire affected Dice Penalty
Short burst -2
Medium burst -4
Long burst -6

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Arrow Storm

The Adamantine Arrow is perhaps not surprisingly renowned for this rote, by which members turn enemies’ bullets back upon them.

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Numinous Arrow-Ward [2]

During the final confrontation between the Four Lords and Soter’s allies, the arrows of Soter’s outlaw band fail to strike the Imperial Headsman, who turns them aside with merely a calm scowl.

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