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Rust Mane
Avatar Daniel Craig  +
Character Name Rust Mane +
Character Status Inactive +
Character Type Changeling  +
Court Summer +
Dual Kith Hunterheart +
Forumid 612  +
Freehold Status 1  +
Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. Secondary Picture  +
Kith Earthbones +, Hunterheart +
Kith Primary Earthbones +
Last Post [ Last Post]  +
Lived In Sacramento +
Mantle 4  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 January 2017 05:27:05  +
Oneaccount No  +
PC or NPC PC  +
Player Khalvin +
PlayerID 16  +
Posted 6 March 2012  +
Presence 1  +
Sacramento End 6 March 2012  +
Sacramento Start 28 June 2009  +
Seeming Elemental +
Tenure 2.7  +
Threadid 208  +
Venue Changeling +
Categories Changeling: The Lost, Characters, Changeling
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Autumn Coronation 2009 +, Autumn Coronation 2011 +, Block Party 2009 +, Block Party 2009: Asylum +, Eternal Spring I +, Eternal Summer II +, Forge Grand Opening +, Grudge Match at the Forge +, Hedge Storm +, Spring Coronation 2011 +, Summer 1105 +, Summer Coronation 2010 +, Summer Coronation 2011 +, Winter Coronation 2009 +, Winter Coronation 2010 +, Winter Coronation 2011 +, YMCA Winter Gala + Cast
Rust Mane + Character Name
Khalvin + Has Character


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