The nix, or nixie, is a river mermaid from Germanic lore. One often possesses the features of a snake and a fish in some amalgamation (fish eyes, snake fangs, skin spotted with reptile scales and shark cartilage). Some legends posit that the nix are truly beautiful, while other tales suggest that the nix are actually quite hideous to behold, but possess golden voices. In the old tales, the nix would confound fishermen with beautiful voices, causing them confusion and leading their boats astray — often right into the rocks. Such is the power of the Consumptive Voice: by expending one Glamour, the Nix’s voice will muddy the thoughts of any who listen to her speak. They don’t notice that her voice has changed, but it causes a slowing, almost narcotic effect. For the remainder of the scene, any who hear her voice in casual conversation find their Social rolls hampered by a penalty equal to half the Nix’s Wyrd score (round down). This ability can be used only once per day.