Clare Green

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This character hunted down and killed Enzo and his group of Privateers
A 32 year-old Bloodbrute Ogre who belonged to a Summer Court in another city and hopes to join Sacramento's Summer Court.


Once upon a time, there was a young baby who was adopted by a single cop in Camden, NJ. He named the little girl Rafaela Costa and raised her to be as daring and bold as she pleased. He taught her how to defend herself, if someone ever tried to take her.

As she grew, however, she relied more an more on her fists to make her points and started resorting to them far sooner than simple self defense would indicate. She caused her father to fret and worry about her quite a lot. Her tendency to accept and go through with any dare, not matter how absolutely nuts it was, certainly didn't help his stress. He grew used to having to pick his feisty daughter up from school with her face bruised or bleeding, and vividly recalls the day She hole punched her ear on a dare. Eventually, though, she learned to not fight in front of teachers and how to take and give poundings that wouldn't be immediately obvious to her teachers.

When she entered high school, she also learned of fights that you could win money from. Now, like any teenager she had her greed. She wanted some money for clothes, or knives, or gifts... She started fighting in such places. Pits. One day Her father - still a cop - was part of a raid on a such a fighting pit. Rafaela was quick, and managed to escape the cop, though not without being seen by her father.

She was kicked out, and couldn't keep up with high school, dropping out before she graduated (She wasn't even sure she'd be able to graduate with her grades anyway). She started earning money through the pits and some part-time jobs. She lived like that for two years, before she encountered and was Taken by Boss Dane at the age of 19. She doesn't remember how the encounter went, or much about Boss Dane other than than his moon-silver hair and that he liked watching her fight. Nor does she remember the many fights she was part of in Arcadia's Gladiatorial pits - they all blurred together into eleven years of meaningless, blind, fighting.

She does, however, remember the moment of clarity when she suddenly realized that she had lost a reason to fight. So she went over the top, challenging Boss Dane himself to a match, with the stakes being three steps towards the exit of the viewing area, provided she could injure him. Humored, he gave her is pledge, and proceeded to bat her about and play with her. She tapped into her wrath, and with everything she had she successfully wounded him.

Surprisingly, Boss Dane gave his word. She took two steps to the gate that connected the pit to the viewing area, and opened the gate that was, right at that moment, a Gate. Her third step took her into the streets on her home town of Camden. She ran, she ran with everything she had until she was fortunate enough to run into a member of the Freehold.

Rafaela knows of her Fetch, who died saving a kid that wandered into the road as a car was speeding by. She approves of the Fetch, in a postmortem "hey you died saving a kid, how bad could you be?" sort of way.

Now Rafaela Costa goes by Clare Green and is moving to Sacramento and hopes to join the Summer court there. She's 32, though thanks to the whims of Arcadia appears 26

Clare's Mien


Clare’s Mask gives her the appearance of a 26 year-old, thoroughly tanned, and green-eyed tough girl. Notably short and slim for an Ogre – only 5’7” and 145 lbs, her Height gain is only apparent if one knew Rafaela Costa (5’2” 120 lbs), she makes up for it by her weight being made up of muscle and not much else, and her shoulders being notably broad for a girl’s. Her new mask also hides the hole in her left ear from that incident with the hole puncher. She keeps her hair in a short mohawk, dyeing her naturally brunette hair a more solid black, however she hasn't shaved the sides of her head recently, so they have a short layer of her naturally colored hair and makes the style look more like a faux-hawk.


She seems bigger than her mask, and her face elongates into something more like a rodent's. She has a rat's tail. She has large ears, and her left has a perfectly circular hole in it that seems to glow as if the summer sun keeps catching and glinting from it. Her hands become large and her fingernails look more like claws than nails have any right to. Her Summer mantle has another effect beyond the always-glinting hole in her ear: her hair, typically dark brown and dyed black in her mask, turns into golden spikes that mimic imagery of the sun, and she exudes warm that makes those how can feeling it think of a hot summer's night near a campfire.

Blessings and Curses

Seeming Blessing: May spend Glamour to improve dice pools involving Strength, Brawl and Intimidation on a 1:1 basis.

Seeming Curse: Does not 10-again in dice pools involving Composure (Except for perception rolls, Wits + Composure), and suffers a -1 Penalty when using Composure as a defensive trait.

Kith Blessing: "Improvised Mayhem." By spending a Glamour the character can create the equivalent of any weapon from the Melee Weapons Chart (WoD, p. 170) by ripping a suitably sizable object free from its moorings and fashion it into a crude but effective weapon as an instant action. The item doesn't suffer any penalties for being an improvised weapon as long as is being wielded by a Bloodbrute; others suffer the usual -1 penalty when using it.

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