Sympathetic Spells

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  • Cost: 1 additional Mana
  • Prerequisite: Space ●● and/or Time ●●

Students of the Space Arcanum learn that distance is an illusion, a limit magic can overcome. By including the Space Arcanum in a spell, mages can extend the reach of their magic virtually anywhere in Creation.

Spells including a Space element (Space ●●) to increase range are called sympathetic spells, since they take advantage of what some mages call the Law of Sympathy: “Like produces like.” Sprinkling rain onto a map, scrying into a bowl of ink mixed with a drop of the subject’s blood, sticking pins into a puppet containing a lock of the subject’s hair — all of these are examples of sympathetic spells.

This is information about the mechanic. It requires one additional Mana to cast a sympathetic spell.

This is information about the mechanic. If the spell directly affects a target’s Pattern, the mage’s dots in the spell’s highest Arcanum must be one higher than normally required to cast the spell.

This is a drawback of the mechanic. The mage loses his Defense while casting.

This is a drawback of the mechanic. A sympathetic spell is always Vulgar, even if the spell is normally Covert.

This is a drawback of the mechanic. The casting creates a sympathetic conduit between caster and target, allowing the target to direct spells against the caster — even if he does not have Space 2 — for as long as the sympathetic spell lasts.


Temporal Sympathy

Just as the Space Arcanum uses ties of sympathy to determine the ease or difficulty of making a connection with another place, being or thing, so does Time rely on esoteric ties. In order to use “temporal sympathy” when working with the past, present or future, simply apply the sympathetic modifiers for the Space Arcanum to Time spells. Note: we're using the 2E rules for temporal sympathy.


To cast a sympathetic spell, the mage must have at least 2 dots in Space and a Mana point must be spent. The stronger the connection between the mage and the target, the easier it is to include the target in the spell’s Imago. If the mage knows little or nothing about the target, it is hard to perceive it in his mind’s eye, making it difficult to build a sympathetic connection. This difficulty is represented with dice penalties. Instead of penalizing a spell for the distance involved (distance is an illusion), it is penalized for the vagueness of the connection to the target. The less a mage knows about the subject, the higher the penalty — the greater his sympathetic “distance” from the target.

Note that these penalties (and those for Spell Factors, p. 117) can exceed the usual maximum dice penalty of five dice. Awakened magic is a special circumstance that sometimes reduce beginning mages to dice pools consisting of only a chance die.

True Names and Shadow Names

When using sympathetic magic, it is best to know and speak (mentally, not necessarily out loud) the name of the target. If the target’s name is not known, it is hard to reach out to him through sympathy — the difficulty of connection is increased by two degrees (increasing the dice penalty). For this reason, mages often hide their real names from other mages, using only their shadow names, which elude sympathetic connection. See MtA “Shadow Names,” p. 54.

  • Connections can be made to animals, plants, objects and places without need of a name.

Direct Pattern Spells

Spells that actively work magic on a target, however, such as the classic “sticking a pin in a voodoo doll to cause pain,” require advanced Arcanum knowledge. The mage’s dots in the highest Arcanum used for the spell must be one higher than is normally required to cast the spell. This requirement does not affect the Space 2 component of the spell, which is the conjunctional Arcanum used to establish the sympathetic conduit. The requirement applies to the Arcanum used for the effect itself (or all Arcana used in an elaborate conjunctional effect).

  • Spells that do not directly affect a target can be cast without the additional dot. These include scrying spells, where a scrying window allows a caster to observe a target or an area, but the spell itself does not affect the target’s Pattern.

Casting Conduit

Casting sympathetic magic opens a sympathetic conduit between caster and target, allowing a subject to cast spells back at the sympathetic caster without needing Space 2 (although he still suffers the relevant penalties for his degree of connection to the caster). Opening a scrying window also creates a sympathetic conduit; if a mage on the other end knows the window is there (using Mage Sight, or especially the Space 1 “Spatial Awareness” spell, although the scrying spell does not necessarily alert the mage to the window’s existence), he can direct spells through it at its creator on the other end (but not at any other target who did not participate in the sympathetic casting).

  • The conduit lasts for as long as the sympathetic spell that created it.


Example: Avis wants to communicate mentally with Star. She has no idea where Star is, so she must cast a sympathetic spell to reach him. Fortunately, she has a ring Star gave her for just such an occasion, containing a lock of his hair — an Intimate connection. Avis needs Space 2, Mind 3 to cast the spell, and the effort suffers a –2 penalty for the Intimate connection.

Avis’ Intimate connection is an Acquainted connection if she doesn’t know Star’s real name. Thankfully, she knows that Star's real name is his Welsh family name of Owain Rhys Glamorgan, and so maintains her Intimate connection.

Example: Later, Avis wants to communicate with Pepper mentally. Having met her only a couple times, Avis’ connection would normally be Acquainted (–6 dice). But she does not know Pepper's real name, only her shadow name. That means the degree of connection is worsened by two degrees, to Described (–10 dice).


Dice Penalty Connection Spatial Temporal
- Sensory You can see, hear or otherwise sense your target directly. This is the default factor, a sensory spell. (When trying to locate a target with hearing or smell, use the rules on pp. 166-167 of the World of Darkness Sourcebook.) The present time and location.
- 2
- 4 without True Name
Intimate You have a piece of the target’s physical substance, such as hair, nail clippings or blood from a creature, a leaf or flower from a plant, or a sliver of material from an object. Or you know the target very well, such as a longtime friend or close family member, a beloved pet or a prized possession. The subject has not changed with intervening time. A sealed room left untouched, a diamond in the same setting, a person who has not spoken to anyone or been anywhere since the target time. The connection is unassailable with Unmaking magic and casting using the sympathy is not Withstood.
- 4
- 6 without True Name
Known You know the target, which might be a friend, co-worker or personal possession. You have a photo or other accurate representation of the target, or you can see the target on live video or hear the target over live audio. The subject has not significantly changed; a person days later who has not changed physically, or hours after an injury, a street after hours of foot traffic or a building after days of habitation, a gun that has been fired.
- 6
- 8 without True Name
Acquainted You’re acquainted with the target. It might be a casual acquaintance, a co-worker you hardly know, or an item you held or used once. The subject has significantly changed; a mage before joining a Legacy, a person before a prolonged illness, an item that has been broken or built, a street after several businesses have changed, a building under new ownership.
- 8
- 10 without True Name
Encountered You have encountered the target briefly, such as a person you passed on the street or an item you touched once. The subject is vastly different; a mage before her Awakening, an item before being imbued, a different building on the same lot, a ruin when it was new.
- 10
- 12 without True Name
Described You have never encountered the target, but can describe it. You might know a person’s name or physical description, or what an object or place looks like.
N/A Unknown If you know nothing about the target, you cannot cast a sympathetic spell on it. Knowing that there is a rival mage in town is not enough to affect the mysterious figure from afar. You must at least know his name, description or location. Trying to peer into Cleopatra’s court while utterly without any factual knowledge or object of significance to that place and time.

If the caster does not know the real name of a target, the difficulty of achieving a sympathetic connection is increased by two degrees on the chart. So, an Intimate connection would become an Acquainted connection.

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