Mage: Winter +,
Miach +,
Philip Crosen +
Briar Rose +
Atonement +,
Bag of Winds +,
Cloak of Decay +,
Golem +,
Kinesthesia +,
Lashes of Fire +,
Legacy of Power +,
Living Land +,
Manipulate Contingent Trigger +,
Memory Oath +,
Modulate Speech +,
Price of Hubris +,
Shatter Space +,
Sniffing the Winds of Fate +,
Spirit Steed +,
Walls in the Labyrinth +
Cavendish +,
Chambers +,
Thirteen +,
Tuesday +
Banshee +,
Joyeuse +,
Varyx +
Acanthus +,
Aim for the Dead +,
Alter Oath +,
Assuming the Name +,
Bad Penny +,
Bestow Exceptional Luck +,
Blessing +,
Break the Chains +,
Coincidental Travel +,
Curse Object +,
Deathless Oath +,
Destroy Bindings +,
Dialing the Lucky Number +,
Elegguas Notice +,
Evil Eye +,
Exceptional Luck +,
Fabricate Fortune +,
Fate +,
Fate Cheat Sheet +,
Fates Justice +,
Aim for the Dead +,
Alter Oath +,
Bad Penny +,
Bestow Exceptional Luck +,
Blessing +,
Break the Chains +,
Coincidental Travel +,
Curse Object +,
Deathless Oath +,
Destroy Bindings +,
Divination +,
Elegguas Notice +,
Evil Eye +,
Exceptional Luck +,
Fabricate Fortune +,
Fates Justice +,
Forbidden Fate +,
Forge Destiny +,
Forge Doom +,
Forge Godsend +,
Acanthus +,
Keepers of the Covenant +,
Sisterhood of the Blessed +,
Sodality of the Tor +,
Sphinxes +,
Stone Scribes +,
Thread Cutters +,
Votaries of the Ordained +
Aim for the Dead +,
Alter Oath +,
Assuming the Name +,
Bad Penny +,
Bestow Exceptional Luck +,
Blessing +,
Break the Chains +,
Coincidental Travel +,
Counterspell +,
Curse Object +,
Deathless Oath +,
Destroy Bindings +,
Dialing the Lucky Number +,
Elegguas Notice +,
Evil Eye +,
Exceptional Luck +,
Fabricate Fortune +,
Fates Justice +,
Forbidden Fate +,
Forge Destiny +,
Spell Arcana
Truce +