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Inferior Forces +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 9 June 2016 13:37:48  +
Parent Acanthus +, Fate +, Time +
Ruling Fate +, Time +
Categories Glossary, Mage: The Awakening, RAW
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Architects of the Future +, Austere +, Awakening Gambit +, Blank Badges +, Carnival Melancholy +, Daoine +, Eleventh Question +, House of Ariadne +, Path of the Book +, Princes of the Many Masks +, Pygmalian Society +, Roses of Eden +, Scelesti +, Scions of God +, Secret Order of the Gate +, Singers In Silence +, Sisterhood of the Blessed +, Skald +, Storm Keeper +, Tamers of Winds +, Legacy Path
Acanthus +, Acanthus 1201 +, Acanthus 1407 +, Acanthus 1411 +, Architects of the Future +, Austere +, Awakening Gambit +, Blank Badges +, Carnival Melancholy +, Daoine +, Eleventh Question +, Fate +, House of Ariadne +, Path of the Book +, Princes of the Many Masks +, Pygmalian Society +, Roses of Eden +, Scelesti +, Scions of God +, Secret Order of the Gate +, Parent
Apollo +, Cavendish +, Emrys +, Falstaff +, Jack Falley +, Jordan Shepard +, Miach +, Niles Plotski +, October +, October Davenport +, Ollie +, Orphan +, Pepper +, Philip Crosen +, Tuesday +, Tyche +, Tyria Primoria +, West + Path
Graduate of Otranto + Prerequisite
Acanthus 1201 +, Acanthus 1407 +, Acanthus 1411 + Scene


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