Fates Justice

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MageSpells ● Fates Justice
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Fate ●●
+ Mind ●●
+ Time ●●
Instant Mana
Covert Ruling
Free Council Sourcebook.jpg
Free Council Sourcebook, p. 106
FC : Equal and Opposite
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This is a Mage House Rule This spell is not allowed.

“As a man sows, so shall he reap,” the saying goes, and willworkers weave the threads of Fate to ensure such things come to pass. This spell preemptively invokes Fate to curse the subject of the spell immediately before the subject takes a particular action, usually a hostile action against someone (such as the caster). The power of the spell then intervenes to frustrate the attempt and bring ill-fortune on the would-be perpetrator.

Success works similar to Evil Eye: subtracting dice equal to the caster’s Fate dots from the subject’s dice pool for the next action taken. Each additional success affects an additional dice roll. The effect begins immediately before the action (and therefore die roll) that triggers it.

Example: A hit man takes aim at a target, unaware that the mark is actually a mage protected by Fate’s Justice. The Storyteller rolls for the spell, and it is successful, affecting the assassin’s next two dice rolls and subtracting three dice (equal to the caster’s Fate dots). This causes the intended shot to miss, and also makes the hit man fail his Athletics roll as he attempts to scramble down from the rooftop before he’s discovered….

Free Council Rote: Equal and Opposite

This techné treats the forces of Fate as any other set of opposing forces: push in one direction, and the opposing force pushes back in the other. The rote’s “instant karma” effect appeals to the Libertine’s sense of justice and equality.

This article has additional House Rules. Please click the House Rules tab above for details.
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