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MageSpells ● Network (Redirected from RAW:Network)
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Mind ●●●●●
Instant None
Covert Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.217
Arrow : Tactical Coordination
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Whereas with Telepathy, the willworker could contact other individual minds telepathically, she can now connect multiple minds, creating a network.

The number of successes determines how many targets can be networked simultaneously with a single casting.

Successes Targets
1 success Two
2 successes Four
3 successes Eight
4 successes 16
5 successes 32

Targets can choose to contest the spell with a reflexive Resolve + Gnosis roll each.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Tactical Coordination

Arrow mages capable of assembling the equivalent of a “psychic switchboard” are valued by members of the order as assets in battle. This rote enables an entire cabal to coordinate its activities without the need for visual contact or even a spoken word.

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Convocation of the Four Lords [1]

The Regent in Silver uses this Silver Ladder rote to contact the minds of the Four Lords to discuss his findings, and gather them together for convocation.

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