Lance Rayner

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Created By SrsBsns


Lance Rayner
95% Sarcasm, 5% Serious
Domain Daeva Unaligned

Lance is a good-looking guy, even if he’d shrug off the comment. He’s got strong cheekbones, a square jaw, dirty blonde hair artfully arranged into spikes and a chin where it’s always five’o’clock and just about time to party. His smiles are charming, but not magic; if there’s magic anywhere, it’s that all the knife scars and needle marks on his chest and arm are more appealing than worrying. His wardrobe is casual, but it’s well-picked and always ironed. It’s possible he cares more about his looks than he admits. He looks really good in leather.


It seems to Lance that he was Embraced on a whim. Late night, wrong part of San Fransisco, he gets stabbed and is left bleeding out in a parking garage. His sire follows the smell of blood and finds him, then makes a call before embracing him. He claimed it was a spontaneous decision because he liked the way Lance looked.

Wham. Bam. There's a new neonate in the Movement. Granted, he wasn't Embraced into the Movement, oh no. He's got to pay it forward before he can really get anything material from the rest of them. So he's a runner, a gofer and a sometimes legbreaker. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy. Most of the time Lance is the backup for a more experienced member of the Movement. Because he's not a stupid man, he learn everything he can when he is and as a result he gets really good at what's become his kind of work.

So, after what was almost two decades of work, when he's really offered a place in the Movement, he's sharp enough to see that if he accepts he's going to be doing this kind of thing for a very long time. He's fifty now and yeah he's good at it and he doesn't mid doing it, but he doesn't want to be expected to do it for the next century or so. He wants to carve out his own reputation somewhere, see what the other Covenants have to offer him, maybe work his way up the totem pole of a Domain's social order. He doesn't have any expectations on what he wants to be, but he wants to do it himself. So he makes the trip a few Domains over where the Movement is on the weak side and he gets himself an apartment to start up as his temporary Haven. It's not much but it's a base to work from while he goes to his first Court in the new Domain.

Facts about Lance RaynerRDF feed
AvatarAlexander Skarsgaard  +
Blood Potency1  +
Character NameLance Rayner  +
Character StatusInactive  +
Character TypeVampire  +
ClanDaeva  +
Clan Status0  +
CovenantUnaligned  +
Covenant Status0  +
Domain Status0  +
Forumid0  +
Last PostLast Post  +
Lived InSacramento  +
OneaccountNo  +
PC or NPCPC  +
PlayerSrsBsns  +
PlayerID595  +
Posted27 March 2012  +
Presence1  +
Sacramento End27 March 2012  +
Sacramento Start20 June 2011  +
Secondary Picturewarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
Tenure0.8  +
Threadid143  +
VenueVampire  +
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