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Created By Whisper


Orphan of Broken Dreams
Freehold Elemental Summer



Ion is pale, which gives stark contrast to some of the more exotic colors she keeps her hair. She has a few piercings, and favors silver or other highly conductive metals. Ion favors clothes that provide comfort and allow freedom of movement. She is also fond of combinations that build up static electricity, like a nylon shirt with a wool sweater.


Ion's body arcs and sparks, though the greatest concentration radiates from her hands and feet. Her eyes glow in various shades of blue to turning white when she is angered. Her skin is light, with the faintest hint of silver.


A dryness that favors static electricity build up with a a ever so slight smell of ozone.


Life before being taken

Ion, formerly Sarah Church, was always athletic and excelled in running. Not many could beat her on short distances, she would blow past the girls and even leave the boys in her dust. Her speed drew her keeper like a magnet to her. She was walking home from school during a thunderstorm and in a brilliant flash, she was whisked away.

My Keeper's Silver Cage

When her sight returned, she was in some large machine, stripped bare. She was in what appeared to be a giant glass jar, and she could see some bright figure from the outside at what looked like a control panel to her. She noticed all manner of wires, arcing and sparking. The thing hit a button and energized the device as she felt electricity surge through her. The pain was intense, her muscles wracked in spasms. She lost track of how long she spent there or what exactly happened, but she vanished, traveling along one of the silver wires. She changed...

My Break

He, she, or it pitted Ion in games of speed. When not showing off, she was placed as messenger and flitting around the Shining Network, her new home. She would notice shimmering portals from time to time and from what others had told her to go through was death.

One day during a run, a rival to her lord sent someone to destroy her. The thing wanted to stop her devlivering something. Her only escape was through one of the portals, which led her out.

Happily Ever After?

Ion got a job as a bartender after escaping. Part of her, though she does not like to admit, misses being pure electricity. The speed, the mobility, and something...something else.

She is striving to be able to be able to once again transform into electricity once again...

Living a normal life did not quite feel right anymore...

My Twin...

She could never be me...last I heard she was wasting away working art some Seven Eleven...

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