See Shapeshifting
In this form, the werewolf is indistinguishable from a normal human to casual observation, and even supernatural attempts to detect him for what he is suffer a –2 modifier. Legends about fingers being the same length or eyebrows growing together are false. (Some werewolves display such features, but no more often than normal humans do.) Uratha don’t inflict Lunacy in this form.
Werewolves are usually lean and healthy-looking in Hishu form. Werewolves can speak a rough form of the First Tongue in Hishu form, but their mouths cannot clearly form the more challenging growls or subvocalizations, so enunciation isn’t perfect. A werewolf in Hishu form may attempt to bite someone just as a human might, but he must first achieve a hold on his target through a grapple (see “Grapple” in the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 157).
-2 penalty to detect as supernatural creature