Create Complex Phantasm

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MageSpells ● Create Complex Phantasm
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Prime ●●●●●
Instant None
Vulgar Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.229
Arrow : Tin Soldier
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The mage creates a complex phantasm. These beings can mimic living people and complex objects (computers), and stand up to some degree of mundane scrutiny. Such a Phantasm is subject to the same rules as a simple moving phantasm (see Marionette). A mechanical or electronic device, however, doesn’t conduct electricity (and doesn’t work if plugged into a socket; only the mage’s concentration makes it seem to work normally).

A phantasmal person appears to possess the same Mental and Social Attributes as the caster (or fewer, if he wishes it) and can speak if compelled to by the mage, but has no individual initiative and collapses into a lifeless heap if the willworker doesn’t actively pay attention to it.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Tin Soldier

When there isn’t time enough to call in backup (or someone is needed to walk into an untenably dangerous situation), some Adamantine Arrow mages make use of this powerful rote. The phantasm acts as directed, heedless of reason or its own personal wellbeing, making it an ideal decoy or suicide soldier. Mysterium mages on the trail of old Artifacts or forgotten lore and who are uncertain of what lies ahead sometimes create such simulacra by means of the same rote.

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