These elementals of cloud and fog are spoken of in Hindu myth. These nymphs, ostensibly female (though the kith doesn’t require it), were said to tempt ascetics with their beauty and seductive dances. Those within this kith tend to give off a kind of mist or fog — sometimes warm, sometimes cool — that drifts in languid wisps from their oft-unblemished flesh. Many Apsarases are able to stir one’s lusty humours through use of the Enthralling Mist: the tongues of water vapor (air and water) that drift from the skin can be made to target an individual. By spending a Glamour point, the Apsaras is able to change this individual’s Vice to Lust for the next 24 hours. In addition, the Apsaras can add her Wyrd score to any Manipulation rolls made to affect that individual during that timeframe.