From Edge of Darkness Wiki
"I am not an artist, Iam a f*cking work of art."-Marilyn Manson
(Provocateur) |
Music Box
Once and always party girl, this time 'round she (pretends she) has more iron in her spine.
Facts about EchoRDF feed
Avatar | Taylor Momsen + |
Character Name | Echo + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Changeling + |
Court | Spring + |
Dual Kith | Truefriend + |
Forumid | 333717 + |
Freehold Status | 1 + |
Has Merit | Striking Looks + |
Kith | Razorhand +, and Truefriend + |
Kith Primary | Razorhand + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Mantle | 3 + |
Oneaccount | No + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Player | Saber Sloth + |
PlayerID | 2656 + |
Posted | 9 October 2018 + |
Presence | 3 + |
Sacramento End | 9 October 2018 + |
Sacramento Start | 16 May 2018 + |
Secondary Picture | Yes + |
Seeming | Darkling + |
Striking Looks | 2 + |
Tenure | 0.4 + |
Threadid | 38197 + |
Venue | Changeling + |