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Morgan Bellanar
Athletics Dodge 1  +
Avatar Ellen Page  +
Barfly 1  +
Character Name Morgan Bellanar +
Character Status Inactive +
Character Type Changeling  +
Chicago End 2012  +
Chicago Start 2011  +
Connected To Nathan Griffin +
Contacts 1
Contacts In Street +
Contacts in Street 1  +
Court Autumn +
Court Goodwill 1  +
Direction Sense 1  +
Dual Kith Fireheart +
Forumid 1374  +
Freehold Status 3  +
Friend To Malcolm Green +, Mhairi Ankaa +, Nathan Griffin +
Harvest 1  +
Has Merit Mantle +, Athletics Dodge +, Barfly +, Contacts +, Court Goodwill +, Direction Sense +, Thrown Weapons +, Harvest +, Hedge Gate Sense +, New Identity +, Parkour +, Perfect Stillness +, Resources +, Dual Kith +
Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. Secondary Picture  +, Dual Kith  +
Hedge Gate Sense 1 +
Kith Steepscrambler +, Fireheart +
Kith Primary Steepscrambler +
Last Post [ Last Post]  +
Lived In Sacramento +, Chicago +
Mantle 2  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 1 May 2017 22:46:43  +
New Identity 2  +
Oneaccount No  +
PC or NPC PC  +
Parkour 5  +
Perfect Stillness 1  +
Player Origins +
PlayerID 1373  +
Posted 30 April 2017  +
Presence 2  +
Resources 2  +
Sacramento End 30 April 2017  +, 2017  +
Sacramento Start 7 August 2012  +, 2012  +
Seeming Beast +
Tenure 4.7  +
Threadid 19347  +
Thrown Weapons 4 +
Venue Changeling +
Categories Changeling: The Lost, Characters, Changeling
hide properties that link here 
Broceliandes Garden +, Heart of the Dragon +, Radio Free Fae 1602 + Cast
Morgan Bellanar + Character Name
Asa +, Star + Crossover
Malcolm Green + Friend To
Origins + Has Character


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