Evil Eye

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MageSpells ● Evil Eye (Redirected from RAW:Evil Eye)
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Fate ●●
Instant Mana
Covert Ruling
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.151
Arrow : Blessing of the Gods
Ladder : Smear Campaign
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This spell is a basic curse intended to bring about immediate ill-fortune upon another. In ancient times, such a working was almost always undertaken by way of physically staring at the one to be cursed, directing a baleful glare at him and thereby hexing his actions. Now, it may be directed through less obvious means, but many mages still prefer the old-fashioned aspect.

Success causes a number of dice to be removed from the subject’s dice pool for the next action he takes (i.e., the next action for which dice need to be rolled). One die is subtracted per Fate dot the caster possesses. Each extra success on the spell casting affects one additional roll. For example, if the caster rolls three successes, he affects the next three rolls made for the target.

Some mages prefer to cast the Evil Eye as a prepared spell with a conditional trigger. This approach allows them to delay the onset of the curse until the target performs a specified action (perhaps repeating the same insult that inspired the caster to impose this spell) or certain conditions are in place. The mage needs Time ●● or higher as a conjunctional Arcanum. See "Prepared Spell"[1] and "Conditional Trigger”.

Note: The Fate ●●●●● Break the Chains spell can dispel the Evil Eye.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Blessing of the Gods

Prowess of arms can take a mage only so far. On occasion, a bit of luck is also required. This rote imparts such good fortune upon an Arrow willworker in the heat of battle.

Silver Ladder Rote: Smear Campaign[2]

A word whispered in the right ear can destroy the credibility and reputation of a political foe - how is this different from a curse meant to do the same? the mages of the silver ladder know there is no difference, and thus fid a supernal resonance in the old-fashioned political smear campaign.

Most often the Silver Ladder mages speak against hteir enemies just before they see them. The penalties inflected by this Evil Eye effect usually manifest in situations dealing with politics, interpersonal relationships, or at moments when the target is in the public's eye.

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