Ordo Dracul Paths of Fate

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Ordo Dracul Paths of Fate
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"For a Kindred who believes in the test, the card she is given becomes a welcome badge of recognition by the covenant — a symbol she can identify with. It’s comforting and affirming. For a vampire who regards the Paths of Fate as a pseudo-psychological ritual blown way out of proportion, the card she is associated with is a meaningless summation of abstract nonsense — an unwelcome label she may never escape. It’s limiting and annoying. The majority of Dragons fall somewhere between these extremes."[1]

For more than a century, a Tarot-based inquiry has been used to assess and unveil the inner-selves of petitioners to the Order. This process, named 'Walking the Paths of Fate' is a pseudo-psychological test -- a spiritual and psychological assessment. Those who believe in the test, a pair of 21 question exams named the Courses of Light and Darkness, believe it shows a potential Student's aptitude and suitability.

In some domains, where Order Leaders or a Dragon Prince particularly believe in the test, it may be Mandatory. Such is the case with the Prince of Venice who, they say, even made it mandatory for all who joined the Domain.

Finding and Interpreting the Fate Card

Once the Courses of Light and Darkness are concluded and one enduring temptation and one exemplary quality stand out, the questioner will then reveal the Student's Fate Card. The Fate Card is symbolic of the nature and personal strengths of the Student. Such a symbol may follow the student, for good or ill, for years or the entirety of their Requiems. In addition, some Cards are far more attractive to Mentors of certain Oathsworn Orders than others and may play a role in a student attaining his Great Oath.

  • Below is a reprint of the table[2].
  • For each card's individual meaning, see Ordo Dracul pages 89-96.

Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance
Envy Queen of Cups 3 of Cups Knight of Rods 5 of Rods XI Justice Knight of Cups 2 of Rods
Gluttony 9 of Cups II High Priestess 0 Fool X Fortune's Wheel King of Cups XVIII The Moon 5 of Cups
Greed IV The Emperor V The Hierophant VII The Chariot King of Coins King of Rods 7 of Coins 7 of Cups
Lust Queen of Coins 6 of Rods Knight of Swords I The Magician 7 of Rods VI The Lovers XVII The Star
Pride XII The Hanged Man XIX The Sun III The Empress XXI The World XX Final Judgement Queen of Swords XIV Temperance
Sloth 6 of Coins Queen of Rods VIII Fortitude 4 of Cups 2 of Swords Knight of Coins IX The Hermit
Wrath 9 of Swords XVI The Tower XIII Death XV The Devil King of Swords 5 of Coins 10 of Swords

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