Lodge of Seasons

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Lodge of Seasons
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Spirit/Totem Changing Wind
Tribe Hunters in Darkness
Benefit Season Flute
Lodges The Faithful.jpg
Lodges The Faithful p. 91-93
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The Lodge of Seasons demands much of the Hunters in Darkness who choose it. These Meninna make a commitment to live by the precepts of Changing Wind. Each of the members of the lodge chooses (or rather, is chosen by) a particular season, and that season determines not only what benefit the Uratha takes from the lodge, but the time of the year that she is granted particular respect in the lodge.

The Lodge of Seasons is less concerned with social matters or mystical riddles than some of the other brotherhoods within the tribes. Instead, these werewolves are dedicated to living according to a set of natural precepts, and, as such, the lodge resembles a religious faith as much as an exclusive club. Members are designated by their favored seasons (for instance, a member might be known as “Joshua Avery, Summer”), and, during a given season, those Meninna aspected to that time of year are considered the leaders of the lodge. Age, Renown and other issues still play into dominance concerns, of course, but between two members of the lodge, the one whose season currently reigns is considered more “in tune” with the world and therefore receives deference.


Purity •••


Each member of the Lodge of Seasons has a favored season, and that period determines a class of Gifts that the Uratha can learn as tribal Gifts. The favored seasons are: spring (Weather), summer (Rage), autumn (Insight) and winter (Death). In addition, during the werewolf’s favored season, he receives three additional dice to any Social roll involving a lodge member. Many members are presented with a Season Flute upon being inducted into the lodge, depending on how flawlessly they passed their initiation and whether or not there is a member about with the means to make one.

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