Influence Fire

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MageSpells ● Influence Fire
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Forces ●●
Instant None
Vulgar Ruling
Duration Transitory
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.166
Guardians : Deliberate Arson
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The mage can influence the direction or flow of an existing flame. He can, for example, cause a campfire to leap from its place and onto a person, or direct the flame from a Zippo lighter in an arc to the pool of liquor on the countertop. He could not fan the flames to make a larger or hotter fire at this level.

The mage does not directly attack a person or object with this spell; she instead manipulates an existing fire, moving it or directing it toward the target of his choice. The damage inflicted depends entirely on the size and heat of the fire[1]. This spell usually causes the fire to exhaust its fuel in the following turn, although if targets are wearing highly flammable clothing, they might catch fire and continue to burn each turn until the fire is put out. A single success allows the fire to affect one target. (The mage can send the fire at any target within three yards of its origin per dot of Forces; a mage with Forces ●● can affect a target six yards away.) Excess successes affect additional adjacent targets next to one another (this is an exception to the normal rule that disallows aimed spells to affect multiple targets). Targets must each be within three yards in either direction of each other.

Success Targets
1 1 Target
2 2 Targets
3 4 Targets
4 8 Targets
5 16 Targets

The size of the source itself, however, limits the total number that can be affected.

Source Total Targets
Torch 2 Targets
Bonfire 4 Targets
Inferno 16 Targets

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Deliberate Arson

The Guardians like this rote because it gives them a plausible way to cover up evidence they don’t want getting out. There is no sign of arson with this rote, and besides, even a small arc of flame can spell disaster for an enemy weighed down with guns and ammunition.

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Blade of Fire [2]

During his battle with the Master of Tomes, Soter seizes hold of the magical flame in a torch, using his force of personality and craftsman’s skill to instantaneously craft a sword from the flame that burns there.

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