Hunters Howl Rite

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Hunters Howl Rite
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Ritual Level ●●
Action Instant
Restriction Hunters in Darkness
Tribes of the Moon.jpg
Tribes of the Moon p. 106
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A human saying advises: “Always have something to eat before attending a feast — a hungry man is not a good speaker.” A similar sentiment serves as the impetus for this rite. A wolf that hunts while ravenous isn’t as effective, and finds its choice of prey narrowed. A werewolf who hunts while low on energy (i.e., Essence) is taking a risk. If the hunt goes poorly, that werewolf will have a difficult time healing himself, fueling his Gifts or changing shape. That, in turn, risks Death Rage and cannibalism. The Hunters in Darkness, before commencing a hunt, sometimes begin with this invocation to Black Wolf, granting a small measure of power as a blessing.

Performing the Rite

This rite can be performed only before a werewolf or a group of werewolves sets out on a hunt. The target of the hunt isn’t important — the hunt could be for food, information, an enemy, a locus, etc. The ritualist stands in the center of the group, changes to Urshul or Urhan form (or, for hunts that are decidedly aggressive in nature, Gauru) and howls to Black Wolf. All of the assembled werewolves must howl as well, though they don’t necessarily have to match the ritualist’s form while doing so. If the ritual is successful, each member of the hunting party feels an oddly calm feeling. The ambient sounds fall away, a distinct scent of rain and earth wells up and the werewolves feel a burst of energy. And then, the hunt begins in earnest.

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