The mage can cause sickness or disease.
A common cold might require one
success while Ebola might require eight
or more. The mage must mimic an
existing disease, and the more virulent
or easily transmitted it is, the more
successes it requires. The disease is
contagious; anyone can potentially
catch it after exposure (a reflexive
Stamina + Athletics or Survival roll
might stave it off).
Guardians of the Veil Rote: Interdiction
Guardians occasionally use this rote
to end a threat to the secrecy of the
Mysteries in a way that raises few suspicions.
After all, a noted journalist
who suddenly disappears raises questions,
while a fatal or even just crippling
illness is dismissed by most as nothing
more than bad luck. Free Council mages
experimenting with microbial life and
the like occasionally use a variant rote
(Intelligence + Medicine + Life).