Call Jaggling

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Call Jaggling
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Ritual Level ●●●
Action Extended
Werewolf The Forsaken Sourcebook.jpg
Werewolf The Forsaken Sourcebook p. 158
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This rite is a more powerful version of Call Gaffling. Jagglings are more independent and powerful spirits than Gafflings, and are more likely to resist the sweet summons of chiminage. And yet, a Jaggling servant — even a temporary one — is a valuable tool for any werewolf, so this ritual is a valued tool among Ithaeur. Jagglings are even less likely to be sympathetic to an Uratha summons than Gafflings are, and the wise werewolf is especially cautious when summoning. Jagglings are likely to treat a werewolf of low Renown (highest trait rated 1 or 2) with open contempt, while they respond more favorably to a more accomplished werewolf.

Performing the Rite

This rite is very similar to Call Gaffling, but the ritualist must provide richer chiminage, and his howl of summons must be customized to the type of Jaggling he wishes to summon. A common howl of summoning doesn’t suffice. If the werewolf wants a stag-spirit, he must howl a specific call to the Children of Stag. The rite takes around several minutes to perform.

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