Beseech the Mother

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Beseech the Mother
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Shadows of the UK p. 100
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The blessing of the Cahalith auspice moon is precious indeed, and all Gibbous Moon werewolves find their dreamvisions compelling at worst and incredibly useful at best. But they are rare and unreliable prophecies, as random in their manifestation as they are shrouded in myriad interpretations. British mythology features a few tales of wisdom and enlightenment coming to people in dreams, and this ritual is designed to mirror that belief, by begging Luna Herself for another Cahalith sleep-vision beyond his first (the one received once per story). This rite can be used as many times as the Cahalith desires, though each successive attempt after the first receives a –2 penalty to the dice roll.

Performing the Rite

The werewolf must spend at least one hour in silent reverence to Mother Moon, looking up at her face in an unclouded night sky. If the moon is covered at any point during the hour’s meditation, the rite fails. Afterwards, the werewolf composes a short poetic verse honoring each of the Lune choirs – and it must be the Cahalith’s own words. He then lays down and attempts to go straight to sleep under Luna’s gaze. The face of the moon can be obscured after this moment and the ritual will still function depending on the ritemaster’s Harmony roll.

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