Bar to Birth

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Bar to Birth
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Blood of the Wolf p. 28
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Because an inconvenient pregnancy can make life difficult for a female werewolf, some packs have learned how to lay a ward over the womb and prevent any new life from taking root there. Though useful, this rite is not common. Some Uratha do not consider it a worthwhile expenditure of effort; others feel that it is a sign of weakness to avoid pregnancy at all.

Performing the Rite

The moon must be in the sky and the subect menstruating when this rite is performed. The ritemaster takes a dab of the subect’s menstrual blood and writes Luna’s First Tongue name above the subect’s womb. If the rite is successful, the blood evaporates. A ritemaster who knows this rite also knows how to lift the ward, which requires a simple incantation and the willingness of the subect.

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