Blinding the Eye

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Blinding the Eye
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Ritual Level ●●●●
Action Extended
Restriction Lodge of Winter
Lodges The Faithful.jpg
Lodges The Faithful p. 112
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Members of the Lodge of Winter continually search out new rites of all sorts, but are of course partial to those rites that increase their personal power. Blinding the Eye is an example of the worst of these rites, those that do not enhance the ritemaster so much as weaken or injure his enemies. The werewolf with this rite who obtains a personal possession or bit of body matter from a target can use it as a bridge to strike his enemy blind. Though the effects are not usually permanent, a cunning Storm Lord will time the rite for maximum effect — during a target’s morning commute, for instance.

Performing the Rite

The werewolf must have some sort of object with a sympathetic link to the target; the closer to the eyes, the better. An eyelash is considered the ideal ritual focus. The ritemaster lets some of his blood fall on the focus as he chants the formal curses in the First Tongue. If the rite is successful, the victim’s vision is overcome with a blood-red haze that quickly deepens to pitch blackness.

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